The holidays are over and now it's time to move on into a new year.
I have not been doing much with my scrap booking. Yesterday I started scrapping again. I want to finish my youngest grandson's first year scrapbook. Then I can give both the boys their scrapbooks. I hope they will like them for years to come.
What this year will bring is only up to our Lord God. The signs are all around of the end coming soon. I believe in the rapture and Christ's soon return. Our faith belongs to Him as he is in total control.
I would ask you to remember those in Haiti that are working day and night to help those in dire straights. We support 2 girls in Haiti through World Vision and have gotten a report that our girls and their families are safe. In fact none of the several hundred workers are all safe and now working hard to help. God was so merciful to all of the World Vision team. Praise God! If you can help please go to the web site. Just click on the words World Vision and it will take you to the site. Thank you!
I will soon be posting some pictures.